Masaż leczniczy, masaż fizjoterapeutyczny

Classical massage

It is a form of manual influence on tissues with the use of such techniques as stroking, rubbing, kneading, pressing, patting, vibrating and shaking. It stimulates a better flow of blood and lymph in the body, which improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the body's tissues and the excretion of unnecessary products of metabolism. It also gives the feeling of relaxation and comfort.

masaż tkanek głębokich w Poznaniu

Deep tissue massage

This is a type of therapy which focuses on releasing persisting patterns of abnormal muscle tension and removing dysfunctions of the muscular-fascial system, in a safe manner for the patient. The benefits of deep massage are primarily pain relief, normalisation of muscle tension, a sense of relaxation, improved flexibility and range of motion. This form of therapy makes it possible to effectively solve disorders in the locomotor system.
Deep tissue massage combined with trigger point therapy has an excellent therapeutic effect on people with high levels of muscle tension and soreness caused, for example, by heavy physical work or prolonged standing in static positions (e.g. office workers, drivers, production workers).

Relaxing massage

This massage procedure allows to balance the physical and mental state
and get rid of stress and negative emotions that accompany us
almost every day. The massage is based on combining various massage techniques performed slowly and gently in order to achieve, above all, the effect of mental relaxation and relieving muscle and nerve tensions. The relaxing effect of the massage is supported by relaxing music.

Lymphatic drainage

The aim of the lymphatic drainage is to improve the lymph circulation and thus eliminate lymphoedema, inflammatory and stasis swellings. This is achieved by reducing tension around lymphatic vessels (lymphatics), stimulation of lymphatic organs and pushing lymph through.