The aim of physiotherapy is to improve and treat situations where functions, particularly motor functions, have been impaired or restricted, e.g. through illness, congenital defects, injuries, sports injuries, work strain, environmental factors, the ageing process or pain.
Physiotherapy is usually carried out through manual work, movement (kinesitherapy) or physical means, e.g. electricity, laser, magnetic field (physiotherapy).
Manual therapy
Manual therapy literally means manual treatment (Latin: manualis - hand). The physiotherapist assesses the mobility and quality of movement occurring in a given joint, as well as the tension, flexibility and mobility of soft tissues - especially: muscles, tendons, fascia, ligaments. Then he/she applies treatment techniques that may aim to: regain normal mobility and quality of movement of a given joint, improve flexibility and mobility of soft tissues, normalise muscle tension, improve biomechanics and body posture.
How do we work?
In our office we practice both the work on soft tissues, including work on trigger points, fascia densification points, work on joints - mobilisations and manipulations, work through individually tailored compensation and correction exercises to improve biomechanics, as well as appropriate patient education on how to reduce the risk of overloading given structures on a daily basis. In addition to manual therapy in the office, the patient receives a manual of instructions and exercises in a paper or electronic version. The aim of our work is to provide effective and lasting help in solving the patient's pain or functional problem.
The working methods we use are:
- Osteopathic techniques;
- Fascia manipulation therapy according to Stecco;
- Orthopaedic manual therapy;
- Soft tissue therapy: post-isometric muscle relaxation, muscle energy techniques, muscle-fascial relaxation, positional relaxation techniques, functional massage;
- Deep tissue massage;
- Trigger point therapy
Manual therapy, combined with patient education and exercise, works well for both acute and chronic musculoskeletal complaints such as:
- Cervical, thoracic, lumbar discopathy;
- Sciatica;
- Femoral sciatica;
- Carpal tunnel syndrome;
- Guyon’s canal syndrome;
- Tension headaches;
- Tennis elbow – Read more on the blog
- Golfers elbow – Read more on the blog
- Runner’s knee;
- Jumper’s knee;
- Other Tendinopathies – including Achilles tendon, posterior tibialis tendon, biceps tendon of the shoulder;
- Knee of a movie-goer;
- Chonodromalacia of the patella;
- Hallux valgus;
- Heel spur;
- Plantar fasciitis;
- Degenerative joint changes.
Examples of symptoms where, after appropriate diagnosis, physiotherapy and manual therapy is indicated:
- Spinal pain;
- Spinal pain with radiation of pain to the limb;
- Numbness and tingling of the hands;
- Painful muscle strains due to overload such as office work, stooped posture or sports overexertion;
- Restriction of neck mobility;
- Reduced mobility of limb joints, e.g. shoulder, knee;
- Shoulder pain;
- Knee pain;
- Hip and groin pain;
- Pain in the ankle and foot;
- Pain in the heel and sole of the foot;
- Elbow pain;
- Pain in the wrist and hand.